An American Submissive in Britain Read online

Page 5

  “Gina, where are you?”

  She opened her mouth to reply, but no sound came out. Suddenly, firm hands took hold of her upper arms, and she gasped. “No! Get off me. No!”

  “Gina! Open your eyes and look at me. Now!”

  Her eyes snapped open at the tone of his voice, and she realized, at once, that the light was back on. But just as suddenly, it was gone again. She screamed.

  Guy lifted her to her feet and moved his hands to her shoulders, holding her so she faced him in the darkness. “Hush, I have you. I won’t let anything hurt you.”

  The light clicked back on, and a voice from the upstairs hallway called out an apology, and something about testing a circuit breaker.

  Gina, started to struggle, needing desperately to get out of the room, convinced that more rats would converge on her at any second. Her eyes scanned the room feverishly as she tried to pry loose from Guy’s grip.

  “Be still. Eyes on me only, Gina.”

  She complied at once, giving in to the overwhelming urge to hold herself against his chest, knowing without a doubt that she would be completely safe there.

  “Are you hurt?” he asked in the same tone.

  “No, I’m fine,” she managed, her body still shaking uncontrollably.

  Guy scooped her up into his arms and held her tight against his hard frame. Just for a second, Gina felt the need to fight to get loose and run as far away as she could from the situation, but the tightness of his arms around her meant there was no chance of that. Instead, she looked deep into his eyes, now so close to hers, and realized that this was the safest place she could be at this moment.

  Guy walked up the stairs, holding her as if she weighed nothing at all, and by the time the two of them reached the kitchen, calm had descend on her.

  Settling her on a large window seat, he put a finger under her chin, raising her eyes to meet his again. “I’m going to the car to get a bottle of water. Stay right there.”

  Gina nodded and worked on steadying her breathing as she watched him leave the room. He returned with a bottle of water and opened it for her, handing it over with a reassuring smile.

  “Drink some of that, and then I’m going to drive you back to the pub. We can talk about this on the way.”

  “Okay,” Gina replied in a small voice.

  * * * *

  Gina watched the countryside pass her by as the sleek Jaguar made its way back through the pretty village. What an absolute fool she had made of herself. Guy must think she was a basket case. She was surprised that she had let him take control of the situation. Every time this kind of thing had happened in the past, she had retreated inside herself, believing she couldn’t deal with the trauma of facing her fears and pushing anyone away that had tried to offer support.

  She knew, without a doubt, that Guy would not have allowed her to do that, and for the first time since that awful night so many years ago, she had welcomed the help he had given. Why did this man have such a strong effect on her?

  The man in question interrupted her thoughts. “Tell me what happened to you, Gina.”

  Gina knew he didn’t mean just the incident today. He was perceptive as well as comforting.

  She took a deep breath and kept her eyes firmly on the scenery outside. “When I was a kid, my dad got transferred, which meant a move for the family. To be included in the ‘in-group’ at my new school, I had to prove myself to them, and the challenge that would let me be in their gang was to go into an old haunted house a couple of blocks from the school. I had to bring back something from the basement and an upstairs bedroom, to show that I had been all over the house.

  “There were no working lights anywhere in the house, and while I was in the basement, I tripped over a stool and hit my head on the edge of a metal table. I was unconscious for quite a while, and when I came to, there were two rats nibbling on my jeans, right in front of me.

  “I freaked out and ran back up the basement stairs, but the door was locked. I was terrified, and I shouted for hours, but nobody came.

  “Finally, this elderly couple walking their dog heard me yelling and got some help. It turns out that a cop had stopped and told the children to move away from the house as it was due for demolition. The door hadn’t been locked at all; it was warped from the damp and had stuck fast when it swung shut behind me.

  “The whole episode left me with a fear of the darkness… and a fear of small furry creatures,” Gina added with a wobbly grin. Sucking up the tears that threatened to fall, she laughed, embarrassed. “You must think I’m such an idiot, freaking out like that back at the cottage.”

  Guy pulled the car into the parking lot at the pub. Gina glanced around, surprised to be back already. She had been looking firmly out of the window but hadn’t taken in a single thing around her.

  Reaching over, Guy took her shoulders and pulled her toward him until her face was just inches from his. “Thank you for sharing that with me, sweetheart. I realize that it couldn’t have been easy. And by the way, I certainly don’t think you’re an idiot. After what you’ve just told me, you have every right to feel that way in the dark.”

  Gina’s eyes lowered, and her cheeks flushed a dull pink. She loved the way he had called her sweetheart. But she had better get any illusions about getting involved with this man out of her mind. Two weeks. Just two weeks and then she would be back in the States. Do not get involved, Gina. That’s an order.

  “Eyes on me,” he said softly.

  Immediately, she glanced back up at him.

  He leaned in and kissed her, his hand coming around the back of her neck to hold her in place. His lips were warm and firm, and he grasped her hair tightly while his tongue pushed against her mouth until she opened her lips. He pulled on each one, biting them gently until she moaned, her hands coming up to find their way into his thick dark hair. The kiss became so intense that Gina felt her pulse speed up just as fast as it had in the basement a half an hour before, only this time her body came alive in a good way.

  “Lower your hands, Gina, and don’t move them unless I give you permission.”

  She felt dampness form between her legs, not only because of what he was doing, but at his spoken command. Lowering her hands, she kept very still as he moved back from her and proceeded to run a finger down her cheek.

  “Good girl.”

  His finger continued down her neck and inside her coat. She jumped when his hand brushed her breast and found her nipple straining against the fabric of her sweater and bra.

  Guy eased her coat off and tossed it on the backseat. Keeping his eyes locked on Gina’s, he lifted her sweater and pulled up her bra, her breasts bouncing free as he did so.

  She hitched a breath as cool fingers took one puckered nipple and rubbed it between finger and thumb. Although she felt exposed and vulnerable and her mind screamed at her to push his hand away and cover herself, heat and need that had appeared in her pussy totally overrode that anxiety.

  She gave a soft sigh as he tended to the other nipple. The dampness between her legs became definite wetness. Guy lowered his head and took each hardened bud into his mouth, sucking and pulling until she gasped with delight. Instinctively, her hands started to move up toward his head again.

  “Put them back, or I’ll restrain them behind you.”

  Her eyes widened at the threat, but this was what she had wanted for so long and she needed to prove to herself that she could do as he commanded. She lowered her hands again, and he smiled at her, raising his head until it was leveled with hers.

  “You know I’m a Dominant, Gina.” It was a statement, not a question. “I was not expecting anything to happen between us, but I think we both feel it. Would you like to pursue these feelings further?”

  Gina studied his face and took in his strong features, which seemed to match his commanding personality perfectly. This man had made an impression on her, no matter what she had instructed herself to feel, and she knew without a shadow of a doubt that she wanted mo

  “I feel it too. I think I’d like to get to know you properly, Guy,” she replied, her voice soft. She dropped her gaze after saying the words, suddenly feeling a little shy.

  “Look at me, Gina.” Her eyes met his again as he put one finger under her chin. “It would mean that you would be my submissive for however long we were together. You would hand over all control to me, and I would show you exactly what being a submissive is all about. Is that what you really desire?”

  Gina hesitated, letting his question sink in. She hardly knew the man, but deep inside, it was what she desired, so much so that she was willing to take the risk. There was so much that she wanted to explain, to tell him, to ask him.

  She nodded. “Yes.” It was all she could say at that moment.

  Guy studied her expression, and after a few seconds, he tucked a strand of long dark hair behind her ear. “In that case, you will address me as Sir from now on.”

  Heavy silence descended in the car as his words registered with her. It was as if the world stopped, all quiet as if awaiting her response to her very first command. This was what she had craved for such a long time. He was giving her a chance to explore her submission, in a safe, trusting environment. She had to take the bull by the horns and embrace what he had offered her.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said in a firm, clear voice.

  “Very nice,” he replied. “Now come with me into the pub. I think you deserve a strong drink after everything that’s happened in the last hour.”

  Chapter Four

  Ten minutes later, Gina sat in front of the fire, sipping a large brandy and tentatively trying a small portion of Becky’s toad in the hole. Guy and Andy were close by, at the bar, talking quietly, having promised to join her in a few minutes.

  She glanced around the warm, inviting salon and thought how nice it must be for Becky, to be in a successful D/s relationship with a great guy like Andy, and get to live in this wonderful old inn.

  Her mind jumped back to what had just transpired outside, and she sat there, allowing the feelings of shock, desire and anticipation to wash over her.

  It was crazy. She’d spent over two years reading and researching the BDSM lifestyle, wanting so much to find someone she could explore her needs with and having no luck whatsoever. One day—just one day in a brand new country, not really knowing how this new adventure was going to turn out, and she had acquired a beautiful historical cottage in the English countryside and found a man who wanted to be her Dominant, someone who would help her, finally, to be a successful submissive…if only for two weeks. However, it was an experience she could take with her back to the States and use to fulfill her lonely nights until she could find a more permanent arrangement.

  She glanced over in Guy’s direction and found his eyes already on her. He smiled, and she took in the sheer presence that seemed to emanate from him. How had she got so lucky? Her stomach flipped as he made his way to her table.

  “I’m going to be in the back with Andy for just a few minutes. Please eat all the toad and at least some of the hole,” he said with a grin.

  She nodded, gazing over her dish of sausage and something Becky called Yorkshire pudding, which seemed more like bread than pudding in Gina’s opinion.

  “When I come back, I’d like to talk to you about visiting a small BDSM club with Andy and Becky tonight. Okay?”

  Gina couldn’t hide the anxiety she felt at his words. Talk about straight from the frying pan into the fire.

  Guy took in her expression and grinned. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. We’ll take things one step at a time, I promise.”

  “O…okay, I mean, yes, Sir.”

  Gina glanced around at the other people in the pub. There were half a dozen patrons, at least, busy eating their lunches, and she felt very self-conscious at the possibility of them overhearing her addressing Guy as Sir.

  Guy hunkered down beside her chair. He kissed her cheeks, then her mouth. “You may call me Guy when we are out in public in a place like this. However, I expect ‘Sir’ when we are in private, at a club, or a party. Do you understand?”

  Yes, Guy,” she finished quickly.

  He nodded his approval. “If you need anything, just come into the private quarters. We’ll be in the first room on the left.”

  Just as the two men disappeared through the side door to Andy and Becky’s private quarters, the front door of the pub slammed loudly behind Gina, making her jump and swing round. A young, blonde woman stood in front of the door, scanning the room until her eyes rested on Gina. Striding over, the woman stopped not three feet from Gina’s chair and looked her slowly up and down.

  “Well now, look what the cat’s dragged in from the good old U.S. of A. If it isn’t my new big sis come to claim her so-called inheritance.” The sharp voice carried right through the room.

  Gina sat stunned, trying to take in the fact that this angry, sarcastic female was actually the sister whom she had so longed to meet.

  “You’re Laura?” Gina asked calmly, hoping that if she appeared friendly and non-combative that the situation might resolve itself quickly with the minimum of embarrassment.

  “That’s right, Gina,” Laura spat, leaning in close.

  Her name was said with so much animosity that Gina almost cringed, especially since the waft of alcohol that came with it was potent. Obviously, her new sister had been drinking.

  “Look, I don’t know what you’ve been told, but all I’m here to do is see the cottage that…” Gina paused and then continued determinedly, “that our father left me in his will, nothing else.”

  “Our father? Oh no, lady, the man I just buried, with my mother and brother beside me, was no father of yours, let me assure you. If he was, he would have recognized you as his own years ago. So don’t think for a minute that you’re going to waltz into our lives and make some claim on our family.”

  Gina took a deep breath. It had already been an emotional day for her. She had suffered a panic attack, a fall, and been totally embarrassed in front of Guy. Her mind was running ragged, and she was still coming to terms with the conversation that had transpired between her and the man who had just offered to be her Dominant. Not to mention the jetlag that had kindly decided to put in an appearance in the last half an hour. Now, her aggressive, drunk new half-sister was verbally attacking her in front of strangers, accusing her of all kinds of nonsense.

  “Laura, I’m not after anything of the sort,” Gina explained. “I don’t know how you came to that conclusion. I was just hoping we could meet and become friends.”

  “Like that’s ever going to happen. You know what? You just need to get on the first available plane, fly back to your slutty mother, and stay away from my family.”

  That was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back.

  Gina leaped up and took two steps toward Laura. “You stupid little bitch. How dare you refer to my mother that way? You have about two seconds to back the fuck off, or you’re going to wish you’d never walked in this place looking for me.”

  Becky, who had been busy clearing a couple of tables close by, approached them. “Look, let’s calm this down. Why don’t the two of you sit and talk rationally about all this. Come on,” she coaxed in a quiet, diffusing tone, “I’ll get a couple of glasses of wine, and the two of you can get to know each other a little better.”

  Gina glared at her new half-sister. “I think she’s had more than enough already. Why don’t you just go on home, Laura, and sleep it off.”

  Gina knew the dripping sarcasm wasn’t going to help matters, but at that moment, she didn’t care. She had been so apprehensive about meeting her relations. She had never expected this. It was just such a letdown; how was she ever going to pluck up the courage to meet the rest of them?

  “Why don’t you just fuck off back to America!” Laura lunged forward, apparently determined to remove Gina from the pub herself. She tried to drag Gina toward the door.

  It all happened in what seemed lik
e a split second. As the two of them grappled with each other, arms flying this way and that, Becky was sent lurching sideways, the tray of plates and glasses slipping from her hands and hitting the floor with a thunderous crash, glass and china smashing everywhere. The remaining patrons let out several gasps of shock as Gina and Laura came to an abrupt halt, both of them seemingly frozen to the spot, each still grabbing the other’s clothes.

  The side door flew open, and Guy and Andy appeared, each man taking in the scene in front of them.

  Andy was the first to move. He walked calmly over to Becky, took her hand and led her over to the bar, helping her onto a barstool. After instructing her to stay put, he crossed the room and spoke quietly to the two sets of guests. Gina watched him help the women on with their coats and see all of them out of the pub.

  Gina’s heart sank as she saw him lock the main doors and then return to stand next to Becky. Why couldn’t she have kept her temper and just walked away. Her mother was always telling her to keep her calm and not be so impulsive. God, her mom would be horrified if she could see her daughter now.

  She jumped as Guy’s voice filled the room.

  “Laura, go and sit down, over by the fire. A cab is going to be called for you, and you’re going to go straight home. Do you understand?”

  Laura, her hands now back by her sides, stared at Guy defiantly. “Don’t presume to boss me around, Guy Anderson. This has nothing to do with—”

  “SIT DOWN!” His anger seemed to resonate from his whole body.

  Laura pouted, and then flounced over to the table nearest to the fire.

  “Andy, could you call a cab for Laura while I talk to Gina?”

  Andy nodded and reached into his pocket for his cell.

  Guy walked over to Gina, and her stomach flipped, not in a good way. Jesus, could she actually have blown everything this quickly? Maybe he would understand when she explained how Laura had behaved and what she’d said.

  One look at Guy’s face told her it was not going to be that easy.